Thursday 28 August 2014


Dianabol is the  most popular oral steroid in the market .This steroid is from last 50 years in the market , and the most effective mass and strenght building steroid ever. Its also known by  DBOL. Its popular among the teenagers and newbies in the gym , its also known for the first anabolic cycle for every one . 

david kimmerle shredded

In simple words its the synthetic derivation of testosterone, chemical name METHANDROSTENOLONE. It also works through androgen receptors as all steroids does but it does the work better,effective, efficient and faster than all. Protein synthesis and glycogenolysis was increased at a higher rate . Its alkalyine in nature and toxic to liver , so liver protection such as milk thistle , liv 52 is necessary to use within the cycle . The famous pharmacies manufacturing DIANABOL are british dispensary , british dragon , march pharma , alpha pharma , thaiger , russian napoism  etc . Most of the pharmacies are situated in ASIA .

The normal DBOL dosage ranges from 30mg to 60mg , first time users are suggested to starts with 30mg per day . Higher the dosage higher the risk for side effects but they can be controlled easily  we will be discussing this after. Try to split the daily dose into 3 to 4 times  for example your taking 40 mg per day and having 10mg tab try to split dose to every 5 to 6 hours and also have it with your meals like breakfast , lunch , shakes , dinner . The reason behind is that the average life of DBOL exists upto 5 to 6 hours means it remains in blood for 5 to 6 hours after you have taken the dose so splitting the dose to every 5 hour helps to maintain a proper flow of drug in your blood . 

NOTE # Its stated above that DBOL is toxic to liver but its not as much as alcohol is ,its milder than alcohol. I have seen many of my friends taking high dosage of DBOL 70 to 90 mg per day without any liver protection they havent got any damage to their liver but a solid gains .Anyways protection is must before using any steroids , so use milk thistle or liv 52 tabs during your cycle . 


You can go for a 4 or 5 week cycle which will be effective and most of all safer . Long usage of DIANABOL can have effect on your testosterone levels and liver . 4 week cycle is best of all . 40mg for 5 weeks  

WEEK 1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~30 MG
WEEK 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~30MG
WEEK 4~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~30MG

There is very less chances of getting side effects in this cycle .


The side effects faced by 85% of the dbol users are acne on back , sometimes a moon face due to more water retention , stomach pain thats all no other side effects are faced by most of the users of this steroids . Its stated that bitch nipples can be caused by DBOL but it will be on higher dosage above 100mg and it can also be removed by using arminidex or tamoxifen with your cycle if you are overdosing it . Shutdown of testosterone , it can cause only to long term users or users who are above 30 because in young age we are having a loads of testosterone production in our testicles you even not see the shirnkage of your testicles in the safe dosage stated above .


The most important term during any DBOL cycle is your diet . If your are not consuming enough needed diet then you cant see the expected results from dbol . From diet we means proteins , carbs , and total of calories . you have to take more calories and carbs to grow like hulk with DIANABOL  . You can calculate your daily calories need by this method .

Your weight *2= calories you needs for noraml living
140 pound*2= 280 it means u needs 2800 cals daily , and if u wants to ggrow you needs more than 2800cals that ca be 3200 or 4000cals according to your goals . 
Consume protein double of your body weight to get muscle definition and lean mass , Atleast cosume protein equal to your body weight .
example . weight 70 kg consume atleast 70 gram protein 

david kimmerle in gym


A quick gain in weight 3 to 4 pounds a week normally , deadly pumps in the gym ,massive  strenght  gain . You will grow like a pig in days . Some of the weight will be water so you will be  loosing it after the cycle dont worry u will be keeping 70% of the gains.

david kimmerle biceps exercise


There are so many myths related to dianabol 

 .LIVER DAMAGE .  Its said that using dbol will be damaging your liver but its not like that over usage and over dosing leds to liver problems not to damage 

FAKE GAINS ... Some are saying that gains from dbol is just water weight and you will be loosing all of it as u came off from the drug . yes you will having water retention and loosing it at the end but 65 to 70% of the gains are keepable gains with proper diet . 

SHUT DOWN ... Till now no case has been seen of shut down due to DIANABOL . Use it  under limits and precautions its the best mass gaining oral steroid. 


There is lots of fake stuff in the market today so how to check that are you having a genuine , original DIANABOL  tab in your hand .

CRUMBLES TEST..............
Try to crumbles your tab in between your hands with your thumb or finger . If it crumbles down easily and turns to powder then sorry your are having fake stuff. . 


Add some drops of sulphuric acid on your tab if it turns red then ur lucky it the real stuff ur having.


Try to break your tab to 2 pieces if it turns down without crumbling its real one if crumbles fake 

GIVE IT TRY .........
Another most easily and reliable test is to use them for one week. you must notice some weight gain and massive pumps in the gym . . if no feel then probably it will be fake .